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Harm Reduction Outreach

The Harm Reduction Outreach program reaches out to people who use drugs to increase knowledge and awareness of harm reduction practices and to increase access to community services.

The Harm Reduction Outreach program provides supportive counselling services, direct outreach to people using drugs (practical support, referrals etc), participates in community based initiatives, leads training for local service providers, promotes harm reduction, and works to address stigma and building capacity to address societal and systemic issues for people who use drugs. The Harm Reduction Outreach program also has designated peer opportunities.

For more information about our Harm Reduction Outreach program, please contact one of our staff members below.

Harm Reduction Outreach Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 232
Cell: 289-439-9565

Harm Reduction Peer Worker

Shayne McCarthy

Van Outreach / Community Points Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 251
Cell: 905-536-0399

Halton Harm Reduction Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 244
Cell: 905-570-2014

Chad Monahan

Halton Harm Reduction Peer Worker

Regional Harm Reduction Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 250
Cell: 905-520-8083

Michael Shebib

Haldimand Norfolk Harm Reduction Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 252
Cell: 289-439-8613

Bobbie-Jo Morin

Brantford Harm Reduction Worker

Work: 905-528-0854 ext. 249
Cell: 289-439-5208

Jenna Little

Harm Reduction Peer Worker

(Haldimand, Norfolk, and Brant)