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A Taste for Life 2025

April 16, 2025, 5:00pm-12:00am
Hamilton, , Hamilton, ON
People sitting at a restaurant table enjoying dinner and socializing

We welcome TD Bank as our

Title Sponsor

for A Taste for Life 2025!

Scroll down to see featured prizes – Fill out a prize ballot at a participating restaurant or make a donation to be entered into the prize draws

This is a national event that involves AIDS Service Organizations across the country with their local restaurants participating to help raise awareness to address the stigma around HIV and raise donations to support the people in their regions. Stigma doesn’t just impact those with HIV, but it also prevents individuals from accessing services for testing or prevention.

Food insecurity and lack of proper housing have had a negative impact on the health of those living with and vulnerable to HIV due to the current cost of living.  Your participation and donation will help us provide nutritional food programs, transportation to medical appointments, vitamins, and much needed hygiene products to the people we help.  This need has greatly increased since the COVID-19 pandemic which has been challenging for Positive Health Network to address the high demand on our resources.

A Taste for Life started in Ottawa in 1999 as a joint effort of Bruce House ​and the Snowy Owl AIDS Foundation. The tradition now continues with Bruce House operating A Taste for Life, which has been joined by communities from across the country.

You are invited to participate on Wednesday, April 16, 2025

How It Works:

1. Pick a restaurant.

2. Make plans to dine-in or take-out on Wednesday April 16th.

3. Enjoy your meal and make a donation if you can.

Your support will directly help people living with HIV. Testing and treatment, care and support, food and shelter, hope and community.

Participating locations will be listed on this webpage after January 2025.

Comment ça marche :

1. Choisissez un restaurant.

2. Prévoyez de dîner à l’intérieur ou à emporter le mercredi 17 avril.

3. Profitez de votre repas et faites un don si vous le pouvez.

Votre soutien aidera directement les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Dépistage et traitement, soins et soutien, nourriture et logement, espoir et communauté.

Grand Prize

$500 VISA Gift Card

(10) $50 Ultimate Dining Gift Cards to be given away

Health & Wellness Gift Basket from
Whole Foods, Oakville

Use the form below to make a donation or to submit your sponsorship payment. Your tax receipt will still show The AIDS Network until we complete the legal name change process to Positive Health Network.

Thank you for your support of A Taste for Life 2025!