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We’re Hiring!!  Manager, Priority Populations and Support Programs and Services  –  Application deadline is Monday, September 30th by 9:00 am.

REGISTER for WALK AWAY FROM STIGMA – Pier 4 Park – Sunday, September 29, 2024

Stay Up To Date With Positive Health Network – Sign Up For Our Newsletter

We’ve rebranded! The AIDS Network is now Positive Health Network! Read more here.

Thank you Gail Burke and Joanne Gurman

Dennis Boyd | May 29, 2020

A big thank you to Joanne Gurman and Gail Burke for your donation of 70 non-medical face masks to our mask drive! This contribution has brought our total up to 734 masks going directly to people in our communities who need them!

If you are making masks or have access to a supply, contact James Diemert for more information or to arrange a pick-up or drop-off